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Tuesday, March 20, 2007 . 6:46 AM

lol.. ok.. long time did not blog liao.. 3 mths and how many days liao... haha...

ok... first tok bout yesterday.. all was ok la.. time seems to fly passed quickly until the last period.. MT!! i was wishing tt time can go fatser so tt the Mt LESSON END.. LOL... after tt, timF outside waiting tell me tt i shld go to the jurong stadium.

then i went there lor.. met eugene on the seats.. he asked me for the jonweek cards, i went to my bag to search. then search here search there also cannot find.. scare me sia... then found it at the bottom of the bag.. lol... *heng*.. then slack lor...

when i was slacking, i saw haziq and DULLAH on the field, Dullah was chasing haziq on the field.. lol.. DULLAH was like a bull aiming at haziq's butt.. lol.. i was laughing there...

after they finished their station, haziq went up to the seats.. i asked him wad happened just now. then he say bcos he said "DULLAH" imitating dullah's voice. then dullah was angry then chase after him.. wad makes it funnier is tt dullah scolded vulgarities.. lol.. he said " u die liao!! Fuck U MORON!!" or he added "I LATER SUCK UR BALLS!!" LOL!!! i was laughing like hell.. lol.. then we kept imitaing his voice and said "DULLAH" infront of him... lol.. JOKERS... haha..

soon everything end liao... going back home.. then adrian say he have not gt his bag yet.. it was still in sch.. i was like WAH! 6++ liao.. bag still in sch.. lol.. then he suggested to run.. then i said run wif my bag? he said can... then we started running... i was running until "hei hei qiao"... lol... lucky the side gate was opened, or else nid to go 1 big round..

went out to the gate, adrian wanna take taxi.. i anything.. i said that which transport come first then take which lor.. everytime there are taxi most of them are hired. some are vacant.. adrian flagged liao but taxi did not stop.. lol.. i tink is bcos he was flagging inside the bus stop, then the taxi driver will tot tt he was flagging the bus behind or tricking him.. lol... in the end we took bus..

Today all was okay.. bio class test is also quite ok.. sianz sia.. instead of writing potassium iodide, i wrote potassium and iodide. sianz.. lol.. then the lessons was still alrite.

after tt supposed to stay back aft sch for the preparation of sports day, but they have not buy the materials yet.. then they received news that the school will be sposoring us banners.. so we dun nid to do.. so happy.. then went home wif Meiyu, chuf and haziq. while walking to bus stop.. someone suggest to walk to jp.. so we walked lor.. then up to half way.. we went to JLP play.. haha.. play until WET sia.. lol.. whole uniform was like being soaked in the water.. haha... nobody dare to touched me.. lol...

then continue to walk back to jp, went to sheers first to buy some drinks.. while walking haziq was like crazy over footdrill. march all they way... then meiyu suggest to go to hse and play.. then he on, therefore we also on.. walked to his house, and played UNO.. so long neva play liao.. haha... after tt play his bro's toys.. haha.. meiyu like missed her choldhood so much.. lol.. kip playing.. then 1 funny thing is that i use one toy hammer and hit her head.. she kena shocked.. haha.. joker.. then around 5 ++ the gals went home.. while haziq and i went to play basketball.. while playing 2 strangers want to play match.. then haziq say play until 5 balls... then they set.. play liao.. then we play.. anyhow play lor.. they also quite anyhow play.. lol.. then i went home wet again... haha...

ok.. gtg... bye

Friday, January 19, 2007 . 11:53 PM

dun noe y is tt i keep having things obstructing.. sad..

haiz.. 1st of all... is the NDP!! my dad dun wan me to go!! i wanna cry liao... my heart is still acheing now.. i WANT TO GO LEH!!! how??? wad can i do?? i want to score well... may be if i score well in the 1st common test, which is around week6, i can go.. but dun noe... how i wish i can go.. how i wish tt my dad will allow me to go... how i wish he will say yes when i ask for his consent... HOW I WISH!!!!!!!! but all my hopes were gone!!! I AM DAMN SAD NOW!!! dun noe whether my dad will give me one more chance...

then anopther thing was something which i dun 1 to say out now... if you noe everything about it, you are my close friend...



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 . 2:34 AM

Friday, January 05, 2007 . 3:53 AM

Yeah!!!!!! today last day of orientation!! very tired but fun bringing them... :) today's activity all talkings.. so quite slack... then.. for medics... dun nid to say... more sianz.. haha... then tok tok tok.. then comes to prize presentation... boon how and weiqi got the best facilitator... then come to the end of the orientation...

then went to shift tables for cca display... then seh sia... lol... then went to eat food without benches.. haha... nvm.. lame..

then went for cca.. continueing tightening.. but we still cant tighten properly... haiz.. but, weird.. when i wanted to push the a frame, the leg flung.. then.. pushed up again.. everything was tight... haha... weird..

then finish liao.. planned to bring satish to the mud... then satish was thrown into the mud and everybody ran away... haha.. then... dun wan to elab... tired.. lol...

then i went home lor... haha...


Thursday, January 04, 2007 . 3:23 AM

i tink i am getting the habbit to blog everyday.. haha...

today 2nd day of orientation.. eh.. ok la ar... treasure hunt was the one i like... nothing to comment on orientation... so move on to things happened aft the orientation...

P.Project!!! i have to tighten the knots.. then tighten tighten tighten.. like never ending 1.. tighten there.. then the other side loosened.. like tt how.. lol... then started to rain.. adrian and i tightened the rope.. then Jia wei helped me to shelter.. lol... then just now the rain was like hurrican... umbrella can also blown until become upside down... then the wind was so string that it blew the tripod down... adrian warned both of us... then jia wei was not aware of it.... then the tripod dropped... kena his head... then me... i was so heng.. nearly hit me... thanks for jia wei for some resistence... lol... then jia wei went back... qi xun and dun noe who raised the tripod up again... then went back to scout den.. left adrian and i on the feild in the heavy rain.. was like drench like siao... then the wind blew the tripod down again.. and nearly hit me... wah seh.. i was like stunning there looking at the tripod drop in front of me.. then when it was going to hit me, i saim at the last min.. lol... mr.tan raised the ting up and i tie finish and run back to scout den.. it was so shiok sia... haha... drenched like siao... haha... m i gonna have a cold today? lol...
can dun be so optimistic...?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 . 3:03 AM

hie.. trying to blog everyday.. nvm..

wah seh. today orientation ar... haiz.. quite messy... the game is a bit too like wad ar.. troublesome? like the shoe parade... just now forgot to voiced out during the debrief.. nvm.. bcos ar... if you wan them to remove their shoe, they will tink is like so troublesome, then never participate in the game, another thing is tt if you tell them to remove their shoe, they will hardly remove it.. bcos they will tt they will the odd 1... so dun dare to remove... human reation...

nvm.. besides tt, is quite okay.. teaching cheering?? have nothing to say in the class.. sad... like 2 facilitator teach can liao lor... if 4 together, sec 1s will be confused bcos is like when 4 diff instruction given... so shall help the sec 1 to echo... -.-

then, during the time when all sec 1s gather.. holding the plate card.. then lucas wan gt it from me.. then i wan to gt it back... then gana scolded... then ohr ohr ohr... then continue.. nvm... haha...

then finally everything ends.. go 4 scout's meeting... then finish liao... pass the chinook to adrian... go eat then go back... go library find JW they all... then reach lib liao.. they not there... then go back SC room cant find adrian... then saw eugene and chin lim... then went visiting with the structures... and the lashing were damn loose la... after raining and sunny again.. lashings all loose liao... sad sia.. nid to tighten... lol... then chin lim wan to climb the hourglass, scared the structure collasped, then neva climbed liao... lol... then ard 5.. went back home then saw adrian at bus stop... lol... then went back home lor...
can you stop like suddenly say sumting then keep quiet then whisper again?? you like wad sia... lol..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 . 12:52 AM

Hie... Blog again... :)

Tmr school reopening!!! can meet friends again.. sommore new friends seh.. 3-4 students... lol.. i still dun noe where my class is... 3rd floor? 1st floor? dun noe leh... nid to search for class room early in the morning.. :( but most likely i will be with Jia Wei.. nvm.. tmr den see how...

tok about yesterday(New Year Day) went out with jowee, lepeh, foong jie, adrian to vivo again.. walk and walk.. always see same things.. haha... nvm.. den walk until sianz... then decided to go orchard... then took mrt there.. and unfortunately lepeh got banged by a bangla.. lol... bcos the mat was packed.. then the bangla was outside the mrt and was also behind lepeh.. so he squeezed in and banged poor lepeh... lol.... funny sia.. BANGED!

went to far east plaza.. bought a model.. i was addicted to it for the whole day fixing it.. haha... then 1++ finish liao... quite nice la.. next 1 wan to but apache..must save money first.. lol..

then tim wan to go and buy bag.. then went to crumbler at Paragon. He was eushing for time, he nid to meet his parents by 6 @ Kallang. but we find find find... dun noe where is it.. then go see dorectory.. is upstairs... then go there see price.. $.$?!?! $145!!! 1 bag.. he is a damn rich guy..lol.. then sad that he dun have enough money then i lend him $7... just nice... then went back home..